YoungOnesPack Wiki


Ewoks Pack
Date of Birth
April, 2010
Date of Death
Cause of Death
Tanzania and Oregon
Litter mate(s)
Jalali, Latice, and Rashka
Known for
Being In Tanzania and Oregon's fourth litter

Matrix is quite a determined wolf. He doesn't back down easily which can cause him to often be quite dominant and stubborn. He is a hard working wolf and always up to service. He is always determined to complete his task and do it well, and hates to be ousted by other wolves, though he submits to very dominant wolves occasionally. 


Matrix(EKM016) was born into the Ewoks in April, 2010. He had two female siblings and one male -- Jalail(EKF014), Latice(EKF015) and Rashka(EKM17). His mother was Tanzania and his father was Oregon. At the same time he was born, his older half-sister, Markina, also was carrying, and gave birth to a litter as well.

Later on, as Matrix and his siblings grew, the pack had an encounter with an enemy pack, and they split into two halves. The splinter main half was led by his mother and father. Matrix went with the the main part of the pack and his two sisters. Months later, the groups rejoined, but sadly, three of the pack members died of starvation. As winter came near, Matrix's sister, Latice, was seen with a male and evicted. Meanwhile, Matrix went roving with other males. Matrix still remains in the pack today.

During February of 2015 the Suitors along with Buttercup and Aurora approached the Ewoks pack. The males used the two females as a distraction so they could mate with the packs females. They interacted with Aurora who only wanted to play so they eventually lost interest. Buttercup was in season and she and Getafix who she had mated with before were trying to mate again.The rest of the males surrounded her so Getafix attempted to move her away from the group. However, Matrix took an interest into her as well and began nipping at her to move her in a different direction. Fed up Getafix snapped at him and quickly mounted Buttercup and mated before Matrix had the chance.


Matrix Hunting
