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Here you can view the last rps from Whiskers Pack, February. Go to Role Play Archive Whiskers to view all the Archives.

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February, 2015[]

February 1[]

(December 29, 2013)

Foa lan

Ella sits near Mitch, watching the pack


Instant Karma1

Larentia bounds around in the snow, sending up small flurries as her paws collide with the flakes.



Mitch howls to gather the pack for the hunt, he starts walking away from the rendezvous site tracking the herd.


Foa lan

Ella stands up, shaking her fur thoroughly. She trots after Mitch, eager for a hunt



Particularly not hungry, Cruise's opticals gazed towards the sky beyond the large snow enveloped evergreens with her audits perked vertically into the air. Growing curious, Cruise strides off in that direction heading towards the nearest river, which laid east of the rendezvous site.


Instant Karma1

Larentia's ears swiveled forward at Mitch's howl, but Cruise's movement caught her attention, and she curiously trotted after the older canine.


Cruise increased her momentum by lowering her sleek yet muscular frame closer to the ground, yet quickly slowed her pace realizing she was being followed by Larentia. Not aiming to lose the juvenile, Cruise merely walked the rest of the distance till she came upon the slightly frozen river.


Instant Karma1

Larentia glanced over her shoulder at the pack as they departed for a hunt, but returned her attention to Cruise, making her way clumsily after the older wolf as her paws continued to sink into the depth of the snow.


Mitch looks back and howls again to get the remaining pack members there


Instant Karma1

Larentia exhaled in a sigh, and turned to follow after the rest of the pack, trudging through the snow.



Cruise's audits twitched slightly hearing the more forceful sound emit from Mitch's maw. Snorting, Cruise bounded off towards the sound behind Larentia.

Foa lan

Ella leads the pack beside Mitch. She follows the scent of the herd, which seems to be ascending up a mountainous area



Arriving back with the others, Cruise halts behind Machu Pichu and awaits further displays of command.


Instant Karma1

Larentia appears at the back of the pack, and makes her way towards Naggapatzi. Padding up beside her, Larentia grabs a hold of Naggapatzi's ear and tugs softly



Mitch follows the scent trail, he stops and scans the area before ascending up the mountain.

Alexander trots after the pack, he looks up the mountain as he starts climbing up. He slips slightly but manages to regain balance.


Foa lan

A very distant rumbling sound can be heard



Cruise skillfully conceals herself among the foliage as she follows the alpha pair. Inhaling the air, Cruise's nostrils take in the strong scent trail of the herd. Machu Pichu glances in multiple directions as he feels small sensations shake the earth beneath his paws.



Mitch stops in his tracks as he hears the sound, his ears perk towards it. Alexander keeps climbing up, he shakes the snow off his coat, his ears flick towards the sound.


Instant Karma1

Larentia slowly makes her way up the mountain, her dull claws gripped the rock as her ears flicked towards the distant sound, and her nostrils flared at the strong scent of the herd.


Foa lan

Ella stops in her tracks, ears erect. The rumbling sound now shakes the rock and becomes much louder



Mitch freezes sensing something wrong, he takes a few steps back nervously.


Instant Karma1

Larentia's ears tilt back as the ground beneath her begins to shake, and she lets out an uncertain whine.



Scrooge and Abaca, being completely juvenile, brushed off the impending first rumble and wandered playfully out into the open away from the others. Playfully they nipped at each others audits and scruff until the sound grew in intensity. Their audits fell back along their craniums and their tails fell between their legs as the sound inched ever closer.

Cruise back traced her steps, sensing something was wrong. Instinctively, her ears fell back along her crown as she felt the stronger vibrations beneath the soles of her paws and the cracking off trees from within the distance ahead of them all.


Foa lan

Eventually a huge mass of snow comes rolling down the mountain, with a mix of rocks. Some elk are visible, being tolled around in the avalanche, bleating in panic



Mitch lets out a bark and starts climbing back down desperately.

Foa lan

Ella yelps and sprints off into the forest by herself in panic


Instant Karma1

Larentia's gaze settles upon the mass of snow and rocks, and she wheels around, climbing down the mountain terrain frantically.


Alex sees the huge mass of snow and rocks, he starts running in a random direction



Scrooge twitches in the snow, trying to turn away from the quickly advancing mass of snow which crumbled down towards them. However, Scrooge's paws gripped the snow too much and sunk him deep into a pile, submerging his fore limbs. Abaca whined seeing the mass and turned immediately not even caring to glance back at Scrooge who whined excessively as he tried to squirm out. Abaca bolted as fast as she could down the open field of snow, however her appendages weren't yet long enough to carry her completely out of harms way. Eventually, the snow enveloped both Abaca and Scrooge under a heavily compacted snow blanket mixed with remains of rocks and fallen trees.

Cruise turned and bolted down the mountainside, dashing behind the heels of Machu Pichu away from the roaring sound which tumbled down the trail.



Alex runs down as fast as he can, the mass of snow almost on him, he gains more speed and escapes it.

Thaddeus gets caught in the mass of snow, he whimpers as an elk bumps into him.


Foa lan

Ella sprints through the forest, not even looking behind her, though she left the avalanche a long time ago


Instant Karma1

Larentia glances over her shoulder, panting as she tries to keep up her pace.



Cruise and Machu Pichu barely escape the snow, yet seeing it finally come to halt behind them, they halt. Cruise's pillars shook a little from the excessive running as large puffs of visible air erupted from her muzzle as she attempted to catch her breath. Machu Pichu glances around to see if any others ran in their direction.



Logan managed to escape the snow, he glares around looking for any pack members. He spots Machu Pichu and Cruise and trots towards them. Azriel enters the thick forest, he sits down tired after traveling for days.


Foa lan

Eventually, Ella slows her pace. And after a longer time, she stops. Her legs shake after exerting herself to such extent


Instant Karma1

As the snow slowly rolls to a stop, Larentia halts, inhaling sharply and exhaling in short breaths that emerged in a foggy cloud.


Foa lan

Ella sits down, panting quickly



Naggapatzi halts, panting heavily. She sees her sister and bounces towards her, she wags her tail happy to see she escaped.



Machu Pichu welcomes logan with a slight bark, as he rested back on his haunches also trying to slow his breathing. Cruise glanced at Logan and rose among three of her forelimbs after feeling a sensation of pain shoot up from her left front paw. Whining a little, Cruise lays along her stomach and licks her paw, revealing a crimson red slanted gash.


Foa lan

Ella glances around, taking in her surroundings for the first time


Instant Karma1

Larentia's tail wags briskly as she watches Naggapatzi approach. Padding up to her, Larentia licks Naggapatzi's muzzle in greeting.



Mitch stops trying to catch his breath, he looks around for the pack but no ones there. Alex lowers his snout to the ground trying to locate the other pack members. Naggapatzi wags her tail and tugs on Larentia's ear.



Cruise tended to the gash, as Machu Pichu stood and inhaled deeply. His lungs expanded to maximum capacity before he released a prolonged howl, aiming to see if anyone would respond.



Logan barks back and sits next to Machu Pichu panting, he stares at Cruise's paw.

Alex flicks his ears towards the howl, he starts trotting towards the sound.



Cruise whined a little, as the saliva from her tongue saturated the wound giving off a stinging sensation before glaring up at Machu Pichu.


Foa lan

Ella stands up and wanders around aimlessly


Instant Karma1

Larentia leans onto her haunches, and glances around at her surroundings before barking a bit obnoxiously.



Mitch starts to wander around in search of his pack-mates but there's nothing more than snow everywhere, he lets out a howl but he is too far.


Instant Karma1

Larentia ceases her barking, her ears poised as she waits to see if there is a response.



Naggapatzi sits there silently, watching her sister. Alexander quickens his pace as three of the pack members come into view.



Hearing no reply, Machu Pichu returned to Cruise's side and glanced down at the wound. He whined slightly, nudging his muzzle against Cruise's scruff. Cruise merely looked up and nudging him back before standing. Machu Pichu turned his attention towards the surroundings, before barking at the others as he trotted deep within the unknown forest away from the collected snow behind them. Cruise quickly followed behind her brother, hobbling on her three limbs.

Instant Karma1

Larentia stands and pads in a random direction, beginning to bark loudly and obnoxiously again.


Logan follows after his brother, Alex sees the group moving so he lets out a howl letting them know hes there.


Machu Pichu explored ahead of the others, glancing around at the torn bark along the trees. Intrigued, he approached one and instantly curled up his labia after catching a strong potent territorial marker. A small growl erupted from his pharynx. Hearing Machu Pichu's displeasure, Cruise inhaled also smelled the scent. Her gaze instantly fell upon the others and then back to Machu Pichu, as he glared off towards the south.


Instant Karma1

Larentia pauses again, unsure of where to go and where the others were, and curiously decides to make her way towards the large mound of snow.



Logan perks his ears back at the sound of a familiar howl, he turns seeing Alex running towards them.

Naggapatzi follows her sister, he glares cautiously at the snow when she sees something move in it.


Instant Karma1

Larentia pads up to the bottom of the mound, and carefully climbs onto the slope of snow, sniffing around curiously.


Hearing small rustling sounds from behind her, Cruise turns to glance upon Alex rejoining them. Excited to see another member, she barks but Machu Pichu quickly turns to silence her with a slight snarl. Cruise's audits fell back along her crown as she listened to her brother's warning. Machu Pichu recognized the familiar scent of the pack known as the Ewoks. Hunger gnawing at his stomach, Machu lowers his cranium and begins to search for prey within their lands. Cruise tries to help out.



Alex wags his tail at Cruise but flattens his ears at Machu Pichu's snarl. Logan welcomes his brother in, they trot after Machu Pichu.

Naggapatzi sniffs the snow cautiously, recognizing the scent she barks at her sister.

Instant Karma1

Larentia's auds tilt back at Naggapatzi's bark, and she turns to face her with slight difficulty, her legs buried in the deep snow.



She starts digging in the snow and finds Thaddeus unconscious. Mitch heads into a random direction hoping to find someone



Machu Pichu's snout filled with various new scents, which made it somewhat difficult for him to pinpoint the exact location of the herd within this section of land. Eventually, however, Machu noticed a trail. Drawing up his cranium, Machu barked softly and strided off towards the scent. Cruise raised her crown from the snow covered ground and twirled it in Machu's direction after the bark fell upon her perked ears. Slowly, she limped off after him.


Instant Karma1

Larentia spots Thaddeus buried under the snow and quickly begins to dig beside Naggapatzi.



Naggapatzi keeps digging until she reaches Thaddeus, she nudges him trying to get him to wake up. Baddiel picks up the scents of some of her pack members, she follows the trail into the forest.


Instant Karma1

Larentia barks softly and also nudges Thaddeus, trying to get a response from him.



Already within the specified elk grounds were Asterix and Django, the alpha pair of the Ewoks, along with some members of their pack which included Matrix, Obelix, and Jalali. Asterix and Django, unaware of their newly unwanted arrivals, quickly feasted upon the hide of a bull elk which laid outstretched before the pack. Tearing off their share of the elk's shoulder, Asterix and Django backed away allowing the others to eat. Immediately after, the rest dug into the elk's flesh with their canines ripping away large chunks.

Machu paced towards the growing scent of blood, which masked their rivals scent. Cruise followed behind as fast as could, not wanting to be left.


Logan and Alex trot behind Machu Pichu, Baddiel approaches the small group and lets out a bark.


Instant Karma1

Larentia sits at the base of the snow mound and wearily begins to bark again, watching Thaddeus as she does so.

February 2[]

(December 30, 2013)

Foa lan

Ella wanders in the forest, sniffing the ground trying to get her bearings



Asterix licked away the excess blood from her labia, as she rested back among her pillars. Her gaze fell upon the others feasting on large lifeless elk carcass. Django wandered a little from the pack to stop a short distance away from the southern forest. Glancing beyond it, he noticed nothing abnormal before turning back towards Jalali, Obelix, and Matrix who appeared to be finishing up with their share.



Baddiel follows after the group, smelling the blood. After resting Azriel makes his way depper into the forest, he picks up the scent of a female and trots towards it.


Foa lan

Ella raises her head and sniffs the air. She senses a wolf coming and moves cautiously towards it



Arriving at the edges of the forest, Machu Pichu slowed his pace and stoped at its border. His keen optics glanced towards the middle of the open area, spotting the carcass as well the rival pack. The hackles along his spine rose as he watched them devour the hunk of meat. Cruise halted behind Machu Pichu and stared at him, before glancing in the direction that her brother faced. Instantly, her optics widened seeing Asterix and Django then the rest of the Ewok members.


Logan and Alex halt behind Cruise and stare at the rival pack. Azriel slows down as the scent becomes stronger, his ears perk hearing the wolf near.


Foa lan

Ella sees the male, and stands still sizing him up. Eventually she makes her way towards him



Azriel stops spotting the female, he takes a few steps back as she goes towards him.


Foa lan

Ella stops, and sits down. She whines



Due to her brother's apparent displays of action, Cruise placed her hurt paw down on the ground. She bared it down into the snow, ignoring the small sensations of pain as the snow melted into water which seeped into the wound. Baddiel panted softly with her tongue hanging from her mouth as she came to a standstill behind the others. Machu, not aiming to give the Ewoks a chance to notice our scent, turned and glanced directly at everyone who stood behind him. His ivories bared at everyone to signal them, before glaring back at Django. Cruise respectfully took a step forward and snarled underneath her breath, ready to take action.



Logan stares at the pack and lets out a growl, Alex takes a step forward and bares his teeth ready to attack. Azriel sits and observes the female curiously.


Foa lan

Ella moves forward and sniffs his muzzle


Machu growled loudly with his canines shown clearly as he charged out from the surrounding foliage. Machu headed straight towards Django. Seeing her brother take off, Cruise left quickly behind his heels, darting directly towards Asterix.



Logan charges towards Obelix, he raises his tail and lets out a snarl. Alex goes to attack a random wolf.


Instant Karma1

Larentia continues to pad around the base of the snow mound, inhaling curiously as she wanders, taking in the scents as she tries to get her bearings


Django's eyes widen seeing the group of wolves charging towards them, he stands rigidly and bares his teeth not willing to back down.


Machu rammed his weight into Django, as he lunged towards the nape of his neck. Gripping a hold of it tightly with his canines, Machu's crown thrashed back and forth deepening them into Django's flesh. Seeing Cruise charging towards her, Asterix snarled loudly and met her equally, clamping down her teeth onto Cruise's left audit. A small yip came from Cruise's maw, feeling pain ripple throughout her body. Yet, Cruise quickly clawed at Asterix's chest, knocking her backwards. Obelix snarls his blood stained canines at Logan and steps towards the wolf waiting for his attack. Matrix seizes the opportunity and slams into Alex seeing him charge towards Jalali, who quickly joined in the fight after Matrix bumped againt Alex.


Instant Karma1

Larentia slowly wanders in a large, uneven circle, glancing curiously about the heavily snow laden terrain, before returning to Naggapatzi and the unconscious Thaddeus



Django whines in pain and tries to shake off the male, Matrix locks his jaws around the wolf's neck.



Cruise steadied herself back into position, with her appendages extended out in front of her before lunging back at Asterix with her muzzle open. A loud growl erupted from her maw, before chomping down on Asterix's muzzle. Cruise twirled her crown, grinding her fangs into the crucial muscles underlying Asterix's pelt. Machu released his hold upon Django's scruff and tore into his outstretched right front pillar. Blood trickled down Machu's muzzle, as he squirmed a little deepening the wound before jumping back. Machu snarled his crimson stained ivories once more with his tail raised high into the air, as he glared intently at Django. Alex yipped loudly, yet skillfully shook off the grip by twisting away. Alex snarled and rose up for a brief moment on two legs and swiped his paw across Matrix's right optic before landing back down on the soft snow. Alex growled at Jalali to the side and Matrix.

Logan, witnessing Obelix's fangs, turned away from the fight and headed back towards the forest border. Not glancing back at the others, he ran quickly into the foliage.



Django lets out a howl announcing the retreat, he sprints off quickly. Matrix snarls and lowers to the ground, he rubs his paw on his eye and whines. Hearing the alpha's call to retreat, he rushes after Django.

Jalali flattens her ears at Alex's growl, she retreats after Django her tail between her legs.


Instant Karma1

Larentia leans her weight onto her haunches and begins to bark again, desperate to attract the attention of the other pack members.


Naggapatzi stares at her sister then turns back to Thaddeus who is still unconscious, she paws at him and lets out a whimper.

Obelix trots after the rest of the pack retreating.

Instant Karma1

Larentia exhales in a sigh, a cloud of condensation enveloping her muzzle, as she pads up to Thaddeus. She nudges him with her snout and barks at him, unsure of what to do to get him to awaken.



Machu snorts loudly, seeing Django stride away instantly from his site into the southern forests. Feeling triumphant, Machu exhales a loud howl. Cruise's audits twitched at the howl, yet she maintained her focus upon Asterix, who failed to move at the Django's signal to retreat. Cruise snarls loudly and begins to approach Asterix at a very slow pace, aiming to intimidate her. Alex and Baddiel howl along with Machu, as Logan reenters the open field after noticing Obelix trotting off back towards the others.



Thaddeus sneezes and opens his eyes, he slowly stands up then shakes the snow off his pelt. Naggapatzi barks happily and wags her tail in excitement.


Instant Karma1

Larentia's auds perk into a vertical position as she watches Thaddeus, her tail beginning to wag as she yips at him.


Machu paces over to the wretched carcass which had already been picked upon. Standing above it, Machu tore into the elks hind back limb. His fangs removed the hid to reveal the untouched red meat, before feasting upon it.


Asterix snorts and runs away after her pack, Alex sits and grooms his pelt.



Blood drips down Cruise's ear, as she watches Asterix turn away after her pack. Losing interest in the alpha female, she turns away and trots to the carcass to snag a piece of the elk's neck within her jaws. Cruise, holding the chunck of meat, backs away and eats it some distance away from the others.



Logan approaches the carcass and tears into it hungrily, Alex sees a coyote creeping towards the carcass and immediatly gives chase.


Instant Karma1

Larentia begins to wander in a random direction again and lowers her snout to the frozen ground, unsure of where she was going.


Naggapatzi follows her sister, Thaddeus trots after the two with a slight limp.

Foa lan

Ella stares at the male then walks around the area scent marking


Tonic rose to his paws. Allowing the snow the fall from his body as he does so.


Baddiel's skull snapped around, her environment achieving a hostile demeanor as it was unexplored by her prying eyes.

Her auditorys had adapted to the series of noises the party of wolves she was secluded in created


Logan digs his head into the carcass hungrily, Machu Pichu backs away once he's done and grooms his pelt.



With a slightly lowered skull, around the same level with with his shoulders, Tonic had taken a glance around the area. Looking any fimilar wolves to hang around with.-



Baddiel resists the temptation of the flesh the preserved carcass provided her. She stood rigid. Fumbling with her patience as she stood for her turn.



It was then that Tonic had spotted some of his fellow pack mates. Gin, Amira, Rita, Rajan and Dimitri was them. He was just a few feet away from them. Rising his head up in the air, Tonic allowed his tail to sway side to side behind his body as he walked toward them.



Baddiel lowered her strongly built mediocre anatomy onto the icy plate of snow below her. Shifting her poise before settling on it with satisfactory comfort.


Alex takes a bone and lays down away from the carcass, gnawing on it. Gin wags his tail seeing his brother and trots towards him. Azriel sits and watches Ella

Foa lan

Ella stops and looks at Azriel. She wags her tail and approaches him


Azriel stands up and wags his tail back, he takes a step forward and sniffs Ella



Baddiel creeps up towards the carcass. Her sly act nimble as she fixated on the rear end of the carcass. Her foundation bent low. Her arcane canines, pearly, lunge into the meat, then yank back with a force obtained over years.


Foa lan

Ella sniffs Azriel's muzzle again and licks his ear


Instantly lifting her skull as the flesh dangled in her jaws. She trotted away in a hurry. Her ruffled auditorys cocked backwards in a defiant demeanor



Azriel grooms Ella's pelt gently. Machu Pichu watches Baddiel trot away but keeps grooming his pelt.

Foa lan

Ella sits down and grooms Aziel's pelt lightly


Settling her self beneath a young pine. Baddiel guzzled at the stiff meat. It's fragrant aroma wizzing in her nose as she bit down on it

February 3[]

(January 7, 2014)

Foa lan

Ella sits next to the rover wagging her tail, and sniffs his muzzle


Alexander shakes the snow off his pelt and takes a few steps towards the carcass, he digs his head into it eating some of what's left.


As his keen silver opticals overlooked the vast spacious area, Machu Pichu snorted while resting back on his hind quarters silently.


-Seeing as the female's stomach rumbled from wandering, Baddiel took a few confident steps towards the carcass, though slowed her pace with each step. Digging her jaws into the flesh, she tore some of the flesh away, eyes on Alexander.-


Cruise stood among her lengthy appendages, before rolling her shoulders to ease some of the tension which had collected in her muscles.



Rajan rests comfortably upon the ground, damp from the snow slowly soaking though his thick pelt. His paws are stretched before him, and his eyes coolly scan the area.



Alex growls contentedly as he licks his muzzle, he eyes Baddiel quickly but continues eating. Azriel wags his tail back and grooms Ella's pelt.


Foa lan

Ella leans on Azriel and grooms his neck



-As she had ripped a small-sized chunk, she quickly stalked away from Alex with her prize, beginning to gnaw on the flesh as she bloodied her muzzle hungrily.-



Machu Pichu averted his attention towards the carcass which laid outstretched on the crimson stained snow, with chunks of flesh already missing from it's body. Machu Pichu scrambled to his feet and approached the carcass, disregarding both Alex and Baddiel.


Rajan huffs softly, resting his head upon his outstretched paws. His eyes remain watchful.


-As she had tore away the last of her chunk, Baddiel looked about as she licked the blood off of her muzzle, looking about for something interesting.-



Cruise shook her dermal pelt firmly, before glancing from the carcass filled with her pack mates to the dense forestry to the east. Cruise waited patiently for the others to finish their meal, watching for their departure so she could approach.



Once he fills his stomach Alex walks away from the carcass and lays down beside Logan.


Arriving at the torn detached body, Machu lowered his black crown to its rib cage with his labia curled. Crunching down and gnawing down on the bone, Machu Pichu ripped away tiny slivers of meat at a time in a hasteful manner.



Laboriously raising his head, Rajan slowly stands, giving a vigorous shake to rid his fur of snow.


-Giving low growls, Baddiel quickly rolled onto her back, rubbing herself against the snow as the white substance clung to her pelt with ease.-

The grey wolf

Larentia gazed around the area her nostrils flared scenting for any sign of the pack she took a quick glance back at Naggapatzi and Thaddeus before slowly continung her easy going pace


Machu tasted the elk's luke warm blood on his tongue before it spilled out his semi-opened maw down the length of neck. Machu glanced up momentarily, just to see if the others were still around before returning to his meal.


Growing anxious, Cruise twisted her embodiment towards her brother Machu, who feasted relentlessly upon its flesh. Cruise gulped as she walked slowly to the other side of Machu with her head lowered, in order to grasp a chunk of the elks shoulder.


-Naggapatzi looked back to her sister as she perked her ears, shoving herself to her paws and following after her. Baddiel's ears flicked as she rested her head on her paws, her tail wagging in a relaxed and bored manner.-


Machu snarled at Cruise forcefully, aiming to get across his displeasure in seeing her approach it while he was there. Machu raised his hackles along his spine, snapping his blood covered jaws in her face.


Cruise stepped her right appendage closer to her brother, snapping back in his face with her lips curled. Her ivories gleamed white in his face, as a growl erupted from her pharynx.


Machu snarled once more, before shaking his cranium and contorting his body in a direction away from the carcass. Aiming to not get further involved with his sister, Machu paced off towards the middle of hunting grounds.


Logan halted in his tracks, as his gaze fell upon a lake within the middle of the forest. His optics watch as smoke seamed to rise from above the ice giving the land around him a hazy feel. Intrigued, Logan ventures out onto the frozen ice, which he felt would support him after pressing his paw against the ice at the bank.



Alex lifts his head as he watches his older brother go away from Cruise,


Machu swung down on his back pillars and swiftly began to lick away the excess blood from his muzzle and his thick pelt.

The grey wolf

Gin punctured the crunchy snow with his claws as hes rose to his feet, he glanced around at the others before trotting away snout pressed down near the cold ground. Larentia whined and circled back around to thaddeus who was staying planted, she dug her snout into his side trying to get him up so they could move on



-Naggapatzi turned to observe her sister, flicking her tail as she followed her back, though noticed she was being ignored. Baddiel quickly rolled to her paws once again as she had finally had enough of the snow, and quickly shook out her pelt from the snow.-



Machu licked the entirety of his pelt, unaware of anything near him until his audits perked from a sudden rumbling. Machu stood quickly among his extended forelimbs, for he felt the ground beneath him begin to shake. Watching the ground closely, Machu's optics widened when they darted around to stop on large pieces of snow ahead of him beginning to sink beneath his current level of elevation.


Alexander stands up and starts trotting after Machu Pichu, his ears perk hearing a rumbling nearby.

He freezes not sure about whats going on.


Cruise shifted her paws and knelt her crown low to the elks ripped flesh. As she went to tear her canines into the elks back hind hip, a small sensation shook beneath her paws. Intrigued, Cruise stopped what she was doing and immediately glanced to the others and their foundation.

The grey wolf

Gin paused as he heard a loud rumble he looked around uncertainly before darting back to the others. Gin barked at the others before attempting to get away from the noise


Machu scrambled his paws in the snow, throwing up many clouds of white as he desperately tried to maneuver his torso away from the collapsing ground. Striding off with great force, the ground steadily sunk down into an abyss behind his heels.

The grey wolf

Gin looked around examining the area carefully, as the sound almost seemed to move away in the opposite direction, he slowed to a stop and headed back to the others



Alex flattened his ears against his skull as he spotted Machu Pichu running towards him, he took a few steps back before darting into the other direction.


Cruise's opticals widened as she gazed upon the expression on Machu's visage from afar as he rapidly paced away from the growing whole in the ground. Growing increasingly wary, Cruise's audits fell back along her cranium as she darted over the elks carcass towards the surrounding forest ahead of her. Logan felt the ground shake beneath his paws even though he was on the ice. Yet, his attention was broke from the rumble as the sharp sounds of cracking ice occurred near the bank. The cracks spread up towards Logan, as he whimpered loudly while shifting backwards towards the middle of lake.


-With a whine, Baddiel began slamming her paws against the ground in attempt to escape the scary black hole. With a whine, the female quickened her pace as she barked towards her packmates, attempting to catch their attention. Her ears laid back, she could only hope to get out alive.-


Machu pounded his paws into the snow, leaving behind a noticable print on the surface of the crunchy snow before it faded away behind him. Machu whined as his optics dashed randomly in many locations at the forest, not daring to stop and glance back to see if the snow had halted its rapid advancement after them.


Cruise continued towards her last hope, the green forest border which was coming closer with each broad stride. Her tail swayed back behind her body in the wind, due to Cruise's increasing momentum. Logan's back right paw as he stepped back penetrated the ice, submerging his paw almost. Still maintaining his balance, Logan shifted his body on the now tilting slit of frozen ice.


-As she had continued her attempts to escape, the female could feel her strength giving out on her, but she wasn't going to give up. With a whine, the female had finally gotten a reasonable distance away from the snow, too afraid to look back.-


Alex looked back briefly just to see the snow was still sunking, he quickened his pace and glared at Cruise. He saw her going towards the forest and decided to follow after her.


-In her panic, the female only decided to follow after the first wolf she saw, Machu Pichu. With her ears still slanted backwards, her paws thudded against ground as she struggled to catch up with the male.-



Machu quickly grew short of breath, large puffs of air showing his clear exhaustion. However, he continued forward and in a last effort drawing out all his strength to follow Alex, who changed and darted towards the forest.


Cruise, reaching the forest border, shifted her head back to glance at the others who were charging towards her current location. Cruise whimpered slightly as she halted to see if they would make it out alive. Logan faltered to much of his weight to the left, causing the ice to tilt over and dump Logan into the freezing arctic waters. Logan swam to the top of the water, gasping for air as enormous puffs of air came from his mouth. Attempting to reach the shore, Logan swam quickly yet he couldn't move as quick because still some harder pieces of ice were on the surface of the lake in his way.


Machu darted in Cruise's direction, even though the sounds of rumbling were beginning to die down. Determined, he gave it his all until he stopped alongside his sister, panting heavily with his tongue hanging from his maw.



-As her muscles were beginning to ache, the female slowed down a bit, panting breaths exiting her mouth as she had continued towards Machu, Cruise and Alex.-


Alex halts once he enters the forest and sits down next to Cruise, panting. Poof

He looks around to see if everyone made it, but he doesnt see Logan.

February 4[]

(January 23, 2014)

Foa lan

Ella sits next to Azriel grooming him



Azriel wags his tail and stares at Ella. Mitch finally manages to find a familiar scent, he starts trotting after it.

Foa lan

Ella stops for a minute to scan the area



Amira trots over to the pack wagging her tail in a friendly way


Rajan casts his gaze toward Amira, thumping the ground lightly with his tail. Pent-up energy courses through his system, and a soft huff reveals his discomfort.


Cruise snorts loudly, allowing cool breaths of air to escape from her widened nostrils while glancing towards the others in her party. Her optics fall upon the figure of her brother Machu, whose appendages appeared to be shaking after all the running to avoid sinking into the pit. Within the safety of the forest, the only sounds that could be heard were tiny birds and a light breeze that whistled through the top of the large pines.

Machu musters up enough strength to shake his pelt, before overlooking the group as a whole. His grand eyes scanned the area, taking notice of everyone but Logan who had seemingly disappeared.



Mitch trots after Ella's scent trail, he snorts as another scent mixes with hers, he quickens his pace knowing she might be with a rover.


Amira sits down and scans around the area



Azriel stands up and scents the air, picking up the scent of another male.


Foa lan

Ella sniffs the air and senses Mitch is nearby. She whines in frustration, knowing he will ruin her chance of having pups


Amira lets out a loud yawn and stretches out her front legs arching her back slightly. he large canines show with her tongue hanging out slightly


Mitch is close enough to spot them, he sees Ella and a strange male. He growls and raises his tail, charging at the rover.


Foa lan

Ella moves away and watches in frustration



Azriel quickly retreats seeing the male charge towards him, Mitch chases the rover down angrily.



Cruise, picking up on her brother's keen sense, inhales deeply and releases a prolonged howl to see if Logan would reply. Hearing the start of Cruise's howl, Machu and the others joined in to strengthen its range. Hearing nothing, Cruise drooped her cranium in worry.



Alexander joins in the howl with the others, but hears no respond, he stares back into the open.



Amira straightens up and pads off into the woods her ear rotating as she searches for any food or pack members


Foa lan

Ella perks her ears and listens. She lets out a long howl



Rajan huffs again, kicking himself up upon his paws, wheeling about and walking a bit farther off, away from the others. His eyes scan the terrain with a hint of curiosity, and his ears tilt toward the sound of Amira's departure.


the sound of a small stream catches Amira's attention so she heads in the direction the source



Displaying no interest whatsoever in what the others may be doing, Rajan treks off, nose pressed tightly to the snow. The chilly particles hold little scent, and only end up making him sneeze. Nonetheless, he proceeds in his exploration.



Cruise's audits twitched vertically into the air, as she recognized the familiarity of the howl that replied. Unfortunately, it was not Logan's but Ella's. However, Cruise happily contorted her torso in the direction of the sound, for at last she made some contact with the others in the pack. Machu joined in and faced the sound, although his main attention was set on finding Logan.


Foa lan

Ella begins feeling thirsty and she sniffs around for a river. Eventually she comes to a stream and begins lapping it up


Amira locates the small stream and looks around warily making sure no other wolves are around



Raigho finally got to the Firehole Valley, he shakes his pelt and trots toward the nearest river to get a drink after his journey. He lowers his head to lap up some water when something else catches his attention, he looks up and sees a white wolf on the other side.



seeing no danger Amira crouches down and laps up the slightly warmed water. her ears continue to rotate as she listens to a loud motor that fades away most likely from one of the strange machines humans ride around in this time of year


Foa lan

Ella raises her head and stares at the wolf across the river cautiously



Rajan gouges his paws deep into the snow, his dulled claws catching immediately upon... something. Upon further investigation, it appears to be a small branch. With an enthusiastic rumble, he forces more snow away, latching his jaws upon the broken limb, pulling it out with a few vigorous tugs.


Muzzlelad Raigho moves his head slightly to the left curiously, his eyes locked on the white wolf.

Foa lan

Ella snorts and starts walking away with her nose to the ground, trying to find her pack


Amira finishes her drink and looks around again before trotting back in the direction that her group was in



Rajan settles down with his branch, worrying the stick at one end. The material snaps easily between his strong jaws, grinding slightly against his molars. His tail thumps a pleasant rhythm, the tension in his form draining away.



Machu ignores the howl and barks towards the others, aiming to get them all to follow them in his search for Logan. Hearing Machu's bark, Cruise wandered off beside him, her pace matching his own as he maneuvered around the pit through the forest. Cruise sniffed the grounds, hoping to pick up a trace of Logan's scent.



Raigho flattens his ears seeing the white female leave, he walks around the river bank before deciding to follow her. He jumps into the cold water and swims to the other side.
11:36 Foa lan Ella glances behind her to see the male following, though she doesn't care as long as he doesn't get too close. She begins picking up the scattered scents of her pack-mates



Amira wags her tail arriving at her small group but sniffs the air hoping to pick up the scent of the rest of the pack



Logan's pelt was frozen and his vision was fading as he wandered away from the shallow waters. He snorted as his body shivered from the extreme winter weather. Machu picked up his pace, catching a faint yet fading trail of Logan. His strong pillars propelled him from the ground with great haste. Cruise and the others swiftly followed behind his heels.



Raigho slwoly walks behind the female, his eyes not leaving her. He tries to walk a little faster to catch up and get a closer look.



Amira lets out a howl trying to locate the others



Rajan glances up from his position, nostrils flaring slightly as he acknowledges Amira's return. With a snort, he stands, latching onto the branch and dragging it along with him as he, as well, returns to the group. However, at the howl, Rajan drops his branch, letting out a howl of his own to assist.



Gin and Dimitri join in as well


Foa lan

Ella pauses, and perks her ears. She howls back



Amira stops howling hearing Ella's return howl. she sniffs slightly before letting out another low howl and heading off into the woods. 


Rajan subsides, ears flicking straight upon his head at the returning howl. On impulse, he trails after Amira, abandoning his stick.



the others follow after them as well their attention set on finding the rest of the pack


Foa lan

Ella casts an annoyed glance at Raigho and howls again


Amira glances back at Rajan slightly before howling again.



Rajan, catching Amira's glance, howls along with her.



Machu's snout was filled with Logan's scent, yet it was becoming clouded as a new snowfall had begun. Cruise glanced up and her audits fell back along her cranium, feeling like something massive was about to occur. Machu continued onward with the others behind him, however, soon the snow began to fall so heavily that he could no longer see only a short minute distance ahead. Cruise narrowed her optics as the wind blew the snowflakes into her eyes harshly.

Foa lan

Ella shakes the snow off of her fur and howls again, though the wind is getting strong


a strong gust of wind ruffles Amira's fur and she stops trying to hear Ella's howl but it is drowned out



Raigho stops in his tracks, the wind ruffling his fur, he blinks as some snow gets into his eyes.


Foa lan

Ella huffs and sits down a distance away from Raigho



Rajan huffs in discomfort at the wind, tilting his ears away and ducking his head to protect his eyes.



Amira stops and looks back at the others her ears being whipped around slightly by the wind



With an annoyed grumble, Rajan shakes himself, as if ridding the cold from his pelt. He lifts his head, tilting his ears in defiance to the wind, and lets loose another howl, determined to seek out the rest of the pack.


Muzzlelad Raigho shakes his coat and looks around, he trots toward the thick forest for shelter.


Foa lan

Ella, knowing she needs shelter too, hesitantly follows after Raigho


ShadowFire101 Amira wines slightly as the wind continues to pick up.


Rajan's howl is swept off with the wind, and he slowly quiets, knowing he is no match against the wind. Instead, he wags his tail in a reassuring manner, attempting to ease Amira's discomfort.



Raigho shakes the snow off his pelt, he keeps walking until he finds a suitable place to rest, he looks back seeing Ella.


Foa lan

Ella walks to the spot and sits down still ignoring Raigho



Amira shakes her head trying to get rid of the snow in her face.



Raigho flattens his ears and sits next to Ella, but turns his gaze away from her.


Foa lan

Ella growls quietly and shifts away



Machu changes his course, deciding it best to find shelter till the snowfall ceded. Cruise breaks off from the group on accident, having lost her way in the thick snowfall. She instantly whimpers, yet she controls herself and begins to search out a safe place to stay. Machu notices as he turns around that Cruise was nowhere behind him. Worriedly, he whimpers, but his instincts drive him to continue looking for cover.



Rajan, with a quick glance to the group, suddenly scampers ahead of Amira, ears perked. His eyes scout the terrain, the snowfall impeding his vision.


Amira follows after Rajan along with the others. her ears look around warily not able to make out her surrounding properly



Rajan, seeking to keep the others with him, releases a loud bark every so often as he moves through the snowy terrain with a certain ease. His eyes lock on shadows about them, looking for a decent bit of shelter.



Tonic snorts loudly trying to clear his nose


Raigho flicks his ears, he picks up the scent of hares near and walks off following it. He spots their burrow and starts digging in the entrance attempting to make it big enough. He pokes his head into it and sees a bunch of sleeping hares, he growls and the hares immediatly escape deeper into the burrow. Raigho growls and manages to catch one by the leg, he gets out as the others are already out of reach.


Foa lan

Ella looks up at Raigho with interest



Rajan, seemingly spotting something, suddenly veers to the right, a sharp bark alerting the others to his change in direction. Upon closer investigation, a slight incline is revealed. The incline dips slightly into the base of a tree, providing the barest of shelters. The branches of the tree loan their assistance as well, seeming to keep out a decent amount of snow. Rajan barks again to the others, victorious in his search. Circling back around, he seeks each of the party out and, to his satisfaction, none have become lost.



Raigho is about to eat it but he sees Ella, he picks it up and walks to her. He stops and drops the hare, staring at Ella. He sits and pushes the prey towards her with his muzzle.

Foa lan

Ella looks down at the hare and sniffs it, then back up at Raigho and wags her tail faintly



He helpfully urges them into the slight niche, waiting with faint impatience as they pack in close. The fit is close, and many of the wolves' backs are grazed by the sheltering branches. Still, it is better than nothing. Rajan at last seeks shelter for himself, somehow wedging his form in between Dmitri and Gin.


Foa lan

Ella continues wagging her tail at Raigho until she stoops down to begin eating the hare



Raigho wags his tail back and watches Ella eat the hare

Foa lan

After she has eaten about half, Ella stops and nudges it towards Raigho


Raigho looks at Ella, then he sniffs the hare and starts eating it qucikly

Foa lan

Ella wags her tail at Raigho and waits until he's finished


Rajan huffs softly, pleased with the warmth and security in which the pack currently rests. Though they are still separated, the temporary safety is reassuring nonetheless.


Raigho wags his tail contentedly and licks his blood stained muzzle once he is done


Foa lan

Ella moves closer to him tentatively



Rajan shuffles himself around slightly, until he is facing outwards, toward the swirling snow beyond the tree branches. He pokes his head out slightly, to observe.



Raigho flattens his ears and stares at Ella, he also moves closer


Foa lan

Ella sniffs Raigho's muzzle


Rajan watches the snow drift down with a surprising sense of tranquility, his usual restless energy quelled for the time being. Still, a slight impatience rests beneath the calm exterior, as he waits to be able to call to the rest of the pack once again.


Baddiel's visionaries flickered about, their insides lined with a prominent amber. She searched for a tip that could referee to any sort of shelter.


Foa lan

Ella notices Raigho has a radio collar, and he sniffs it


Alex follows after Machu and Baddiel, looking around for shelter, but its hard to see with all the snow.


Baddiel follows the locomotive sequence her company has begun, trampling the white coating with her light skipping.



Raigho watches as Ella sniffs his collar, he paws at it as he barely noticed it before.


Foa lan

Ella licks Raigho's ear and wags her tail again



Baddiel's amber gaze fliters onto the stump of a vast oak. Its roots, thick and rigid sprawled beneath it. Baddiel gives out a joyous yip. Her route veering towards the broad tree.


Foa lan

Ella yawns, and flops onto her side


Raigho moves closer to Ella and lays down placing his head on her shoulder


Foa lan

Ella sighs and drifts off


Ella stirs a bit and opens her eyes.


Raigho is still asleep, cuddled with Ella


Foa lan

Ella shifts a bit more, then licks Raigho's cheek sleepily
The snow begins to subside



Rajan's eyes slowly open - and he finds himself staring into grayed darkness. He freezes, confused and faintly frightened. In a sudden movement, he jerks back and away from the grayness - snow tumbling off of his muzzle and head as he does so. Having fallen asleep with his head outside of the branches, it had become all but buried. He snorts and sits up, shaking his head in annoyance.



Cruise stumbles around and before long she had wandered miles away from the others. As the snowfall began to end, Cruise gained the ability to see again, however, the only things she could view were vast amounts of snow next to the river. Machu, located shelter and barked towards the others to enter, for he was unsure of whether or not the snowfall would begin again.


Raigho yawns and opens his eyes, but qucikly closes them again.

February 5[]

(January 24, 2014)


Cruise blinked her optics multiple times, before giving her dermal pelt a firm shake to release it from the added snowfall that had accumulated on top of her. Curiously, Cruise glanced in all directions hoping to see the figures of her pack, but she whimpered softly as she noticed no one in the distance.

Foa lan

Ella sleepily shifts closer to Raigho and rests her head on his back


Machu motioned everyone out from the shelter as the snow ceded from outside. Stepping out into the open, his keen optics scanned the vast area before howling for anyone who had been lost. Her audits perked carefully into the air, listening for a reply.
Logan had collapsed in the snow around the lake's bed, his body now almost completely covered by a white blanket. Snorting and unable to move, Logan whimpered softly and closed his eyes while he shivered immensely.


Instant Karma1

Larentia pads across the white-blanketed earth, struggling to stay on top of the deep snow, unsure of where she was going.



Alex stretches his hind legs and lets out a yawn beforing looking around and waiting for a reply. Raigho opens his eyes and blinks, he notices Ella resting on his back and decides not to move.



Rajan gives a vigorous shake to rid his pelt of any excess snow, before turning about and nosing his way back into the temporary shelter, nosing and nudging the others into wakefulness. He pauses for a moment, ears tilting back as a faint sound brushes his senses - but the creaking of the surrounding woods could easily be betraying his ears.


Cruise sniffs the ground, while walking around on her outstretched pillars in all directions before deciding to venture to the north. Cruise strode off in that direction, her large and yet fluffy tail swaying behind her torso with each passing stride.


Foa lan

Ella sleeps for a few more minutes before opening her eyes and licking Raigho's nose



Hearing no reply, Machu shakes his cranium and tires once more, determined not to give up hope. He steps out more into the open area, releasing a longer more powerful howl.

Instant Karma1

Larentia continued through the snow, her auds flicking alertly to any abrupt sound, as she began letting out sharp barks again, wanting to attract the attention of other nearby packmates.



The group slowly emerges from behind the tree branches, limbs no doubt stiff due to the cramped conditions, paired with the cold. Rajan watches them for a moment before his gaze shifts away, instead focusing on the forested terrain before them. Upon further investigation, the glint of water shows through the trees on their left. Wheeling about with a bark to the others, Rajan treads toward the stream.



Raigho lets out a soft bark and shifts his position, he rolls onto his back, so his nose is touching Ella's. Alex watches Machu and joins in the howl so its more powerful.

Foa lan

Ella flicks her ears as she hears a distant howl, but she disregards it and wags her tail at Raigho, and she licks his muzzle once


Arriving at the stream, Rajan draws to a halt. The sound is stronger now, and unmistakable. He howls a long reply, determined to make contact.


Instant Karma1

Larentia pauses, remaing deadly still as her ears strain to catch the sound of the distant howls. Her tail begins to slightly sway, and she barks loudly, heading towards it's direction.



Hearing slight yet faint replies, Machu kept making noises so they could join up with the group he was leading. Cruise was too far away now, that the wind covered up any sound being uttered by her pack mates. Still wandering aimlessly, Cruise steps deeper into the forest following the frozen river bank.

Logan whimpers softly as his audits heard the noises that were extremely close to his location. He recognized the howl as Rajan's and desperately he tried to get his attention, although his whimper was only a mere whisper.



Thaddeus and Nagga also hear the howls and follow after Larentia. Raigho wags his tail and licks Ella's check, his ears perk at the distant howls.


Instant Karma1

Larentia eagerly tries to pick up her pace, although only manages to drive her paws deeper into the snow.


Rajan howls once more, this time assisted by Amira and Dimitri, before setting his pace along the edge of the stream, ears perked and listening. The others follow, all of them heading in the direction that will hopefully lead them to the pack.


Foa lan

Ella yawns and stands up with a long stretch



Raigho hears the howls once again and stands up, he cant help himself and tries to see where they come from.

Instant Karma1

Larentia began to bark again, the familiar scent of the pack filling her nares as she begins to near them.


Machu, as well as the others in his group, howled loudly to summon them all to their location. They, in unison, resounded firmly through the snow filled area in reply to Rajan and his group.



Rajan stops several paces downstream, bellowing out another howl in to what he can now recognize as Machu as his group. He falls silent soon after, ears tilted to the wind to see if any others will respond.



Raigho notices the howls are coming from differnt locations and decides to just ignore them. He barks at Ella and wags his tail.



Cruise ventured quickly after the scent, her pillars baring down soft pressure into the compacted snow. Her crown was hung low as she sniffed the trail, aiming to not lose the scent.

Cruise's nostrils filled with a vaguely familiar scent, drawing her attention to the north at an ever faster rate. Machu glanced back at the others within his party, making sure that no one else had gone missing.

Foa lan

Ella stretches and follows Raigho, who got up to investigate the howls



Rajan paces anxiously along the river bank, tongue lolling from his mouth, his breath puffing chill fog into the air. His ears strain forward for a hint of sound.


Instant Karma1

Larentia trots eagerly up to the group of pack members, tail wagging furiously behind her.



Amira stands in the snow as her ears rotate continuously trying to catch the sound of any nearby members



-Flicking her ears, Naggapatzi trailed after her sister, tail also wagging in a relaxed manner.-


Foa lan

Ella tips her head back and howls



Alex shakes his pelt and follows after Machu Pichu. Raigho flicks his ears and starts walking toward the howls.


Rajan stops his pacing at the howl, and offers a reply.

Foa lan

Ella trots to keep up with Rai



Amira joins in the howl



Thaddeus wags his tail and bounces around the snow happily, he starts trotting after Larentia and Nagga. Raigho looks back making sure Ella is following him, he perks his ears hearing more howls.


-With her ears perked forward, Naggapatzi turned her attention to the howls, flicking her ear as she slightly trailed off towards them.-

Instant Karma1

Larentia watches Naggapatzi veer off towards the direction of the howls, and she turns to follow curiously.


Foa lan

Ella wags her tail at Rai, then bounds forward towards some of the howls


Rajan chuffs softly, tail wagging in a gentle rhythm. He falls silent after the howl, listening once more.


Raigho keeps making his way toward the howls, once he exits the forest he stops and looks around the clearing. Alex flicks his ears hearing all the familiar howls.

Foa lan

Ella stops and lets out a long howl



Raigho flattens his ears and joins in the howl with Ella. Thaddeus bounces after Nagga and Larentia.


Foa lan

Ella stops and listens for a reply


-Sniffing at the snow, Naggapatzi quickly threw her head back to let out small and short howls, continuing to dig her nose about quickly after.-



Amira glances at Rajan before trotting into the woods towards the source of the howl Instant Karma1

Larentia's ears flick at her sister's howls, and she briskly joins in.



Machu hurriedly paced off towards the howls, aiming to rejoin the others as soon as possible for it had been too long since he had been in the company of everyone else. His strong legs propelled him forwards as he bounded from the ground in their direction, his audits alert highly in the air.

Cruise's ears heard the sounds, causing her to raise her crown from the snow and her audits to perk vertically. Twisting her head towards her right, she noticed that the sounds were from her pack. Delightedly, Cruise barked and started off towards the nearest howl.


-Continuing to bounce forward, Nagga was eager to let out one more howl, but she stopped to listen for a reply.-


Foa lan

Ella glances at Rai and judges which direction the howls are coming from


Raigho stares into the open and flicks his ears, waiting for another howl. Alexander quickens his pace, he remains alert in case they see Logan. Thaddeus lets out another howl and stops waiting for the reply.

Foa lan

Ella howls, and trots towards Thaddeaus's howl


Amira stops loosing track of the others and howls again, this time it is lower but longer

Foa lan

Ella sits down with her ears still perked and gives a huff


Rajan's ears twitch after Amira's howl dies off, and he stands utterly still, save for a slight twitch of his nose now and then. After a moment, he glances down, eyeing the river.


Foa lan

Ella wags her tail and leans on Rai, licking his ear once


Cruise wanders around aimlessly after losing the direction of the howl, however, she used her instincts and sniffed the ground. A strong scent close by drew her attention and she instantly started following it.



With a huff of stifled impatience, Rajan howls again. He paces the river's edge, waiting for a reply, needing a direction in which to turn.



Logan lays idly and silent, as tiny fading snorts escaped his nostrils. His life was ending, as his paws and appendages failed to move for he lacked the strength. His only hope was that someone would locate him before he took his last breath Machu's audits twitched in the direction of the now stronger sounding howl, as he continued running towards it confidently. Inhaling through his snout and exhaling through his maw came a loud howl in reply to Rajan's.



Raigho licks Ella's muzzle, his tail swaying side to side. Alex lowers his head as he trots after Machu Pichu, his ears flick to another howl.



Rajan's ears perk immediately at the howl, and he whisks himself around, padding swiftly in what is hopefully the correct direction. He lets out a loud bark, and the others of his group fall in line with him.



Machu carefully glanced over his right shoulder, making sure everyone behind him as well was accounted for. Seeing Alex and the others straight behind him eased his worries, as he shifted back in his previous position and advanced towards the barks. They were faint, but he could make them out. Machu barked back hoping someone in Rajan's group would notice them.

Cruise strode along through the collected foliage, her optics gazing around at her surroundings carefully. She was a tad on edge and nervous for she was all alone and no one was in sight. Determined, she sped up her pace and followed the only trail she had and that was the one which resided along the river bank.

Foa lan

Ella sits with Raigho for a few more minutes before standing up to sniff around the area


Alex raises his head scenting familiar wolves near, he wags his tail and lets out a bark.


Rajan's tail pumps back and forth in a quick bout of excitement as faint barks reach his ears. Dimitri and Gin take immediate notice as well, quickening their pace. With a swift glance back to check that every wolf is keeping up, Rajan quickens his stride, as well. Sensing the growing agitation, the rest follow suit.


As the sun starts to set Raigho walks back into the forest, deciding to continue searching for the source of the howls later. He looks back at Ella and wags his tail


Foa lan

Ella glances uncertainly near the howls then follows Raigho


Foa lan

She eventually stops being worried about finding her pack at the moment, and wags her tail at Raigho



Raigho waits for Ella to catch up, he nuzzles her and nips at her ear affectionately

Foa lan

Ella wags her tail again and licks Raigho's muzzle



Raigho licks Ella's cheek and stares at her, tail wagging. the sun finally sets.


Foa lan

Ella sits down

Ella sees the sun setting and the temperature starts dropping



Raigho flattens his ears and sits next to Ella


Raigho stands up and wags his tail, he nudges Ella


Foa lan

Ella stands up and sniffs his muzzle


Raigho goes behind Ella and places his front paws on her back

Foa lan

Ella moves forward a bit but stays still


Raigho grooms Ella's neck, a few minutes later they get tied. Raigho twists around so they are back to back

Foa lan

Ella whines a bit and paws at Raigho


Raigho turns facing Ella and licks her muzzle

Foa lan

Ella shakes her fur and stands there in an awkward position


Raigho yawns and sits down

Foa lan

Ella is forced to sit down when she doesn't want to and she gives an annoyed huff


Raigho whines and grooms Ella, trying to confort her


Foa lan

Ella ignores him

The grey wolf

Gin exhaled slowly letting out a long sigh as he examined the small group of his fellow pack members around him

Foa lan

Ella grooms herself, sitting near Raigho


Amira goes over and sits down next to Gin, her winter coat ruffling every time the wind blows.


Instant Karma1

Larentia lowers herself onto her haunches, gazing around at the snow-covered landscape.


The grey wolf

Gins neck rotated slightly in the direction of Amira, he greeted her with a slight tail wag before limbering into a stretch


Rajan paces at the fringe, eyes perusing the surrounding area with great concentration. His ears swivel and strain, listening for the sounds of Machu's group.



Amira wags her tail back before laying down in the snow and letting out a long yawn which shows of her large canines. Her tail thumps on the ground as she does so making some of the light snow go into the air

February 6[]

(March 23, 2014)


Cruise stops alongside a bushel of winter covered bushes, aiming to get her bearings before making another advancement towards the familiarity of one of her pack member's scents. Machu howls loudly from deep within his throat, trying to grasp the attention of Rajan's group more fervently.


Rajan pauses momentarily, ears perked at Machu's howl steadily growing closer. He lets out a howl in reply before hurtling onwards, eager to meet up with the other group.

The grey wolf

Gin takes in his surrounding scents before joining in the howl



Alexander trots behind Machu Pichu, his ears perk at the familiar howls. He wags his tail knowing the other pack members are near, but he still keeps an eye out for Logan.



Machu stands his ground with the others and patiently awaits the arrival of his fellow members anxiously. His audits perk alertly to hear of their impending paw prints landing on the earth's soil.

The grey wolf

Gin lets out a lead to his small group his nostrils pressed against the cold earth as he looked for any sorts of a scent trail



Logan lays still in the snow, his breathing beginning to fail as only minute puffs of air escape from his nostrils now.


Rajan slows the slightest bit, panting in exertion from running though uncooperative snow. He barks lightly to the others, tail wagging as he follows after Gin.


Cruise sniffs around with the tip of her snout towards the ground, trying to reaffirm the scent around her as one their own. Machu barks as his audits hear the bounding of steps coming towards them. He glances back towards the rest of his group behind him joyfully.



Rajan picks up the pace again, barking to the others as he passes by Gin with ease. He bounds towards the close sounds of Machu's group.


Foa lan

Ella sniffs the snow but can't detect any scent other than her own. She tips her head back and lets out a long howl



Rajan soon bursts through the trees, Machu's group becoming fully visible. Tail wagging vigorously, he approaches them with barely-restrained excitement, taking in their familiar scents.



Cruise's audits perked at the howl, making her excited as she twisted her torso in its direction and headed towards it with immense speed.



Amira soon arrives as well her tail wagging not as hard as Rajan's though


Foa lan

Ella perks her ears, seeing if there's anything to hear



Machu rushes forward at the sight of them all, playfully charging at Rajan and exclaiming his fangs on his left audit.



Alex slows down and falls behind, he stops and stares into the distance. He starts walking into a different direction, as a familiar scent fills his snout.


Logan's vision blurs to the point of pure confusion, making him fully unaware of anything before him as snow began to cover his pelt. Logan lies still, his forelimbs now unable to even mutter enough energy to move a small centimeter.



Rajan rumbles and pulls himself free of Machu's fangs, nipping him playfully on the muzzle. He turns his attention to the others, moving forward to greet them, as well.



Amira stays back watching from a slight distance


Alex exits the thick forest, he breaks into a fast trot as he spots a wolf laying on the snow. As he notices it's logan he runs as fast as he can towards him.


Baddiel approaches Amira and barks playfully towards her, while her tail sways behind. Her attention then turns to Rajan as she barks to signal her welcoming to him. Logan can no longer recognize the familiar scent of Alex. He just idly remains in the snow, his eyes looking like blank canvases.


Amira turns to Baddiel and barks back her tail beginning to wag once again.



Raigho walks towards Ella and looks around, he lowers his snout to the ground trying to find any scents.

Foa lan

Ella puts her nose to the ground and sniffs, occasionally making snorting sounds



Rajan barks to Baddiel, returning the greeting. He then chuffs happily, settling on his haunches, satisfied that he has greeted enough and pleased to be back with at least some of the pack.


Alex rushes to Logan, kicking up snow as he runs, he halts once he comes upon the dying wolf. He looks down at him, the cold wind ruffling his fur. Alex nudges him, trying to get him to stand up.

Foa lan

Ella howls loudly again



Amira's eats flick at the distant howl


The grey wolf

Gin settles next to his brother greeting wolves he comes upon


Foa lan

Ella howls again hoping for a response


Rajan snorts as something soft tickles against his nose, and he perks his ears as a snow flake drifts down in front of him. He glances upward as more snow begins to fall.

The grey wolf

Once greeting wolves Gin settles down next to his brother, panting quietly.


Amira howls for Ella

Foa lan

Ella perks her ears and gives a short howl, then bounds towards the howl she heard


Raigho perks his ears at the howl and follows Ella.



Amira howls again but softer

The grey wolf

Gin stands and trots over to Amira with a slight tail wag


Amira licks his muzzle in greeting and wags her tail friendly


Foa lan

Ella continues running in the direction of the howl, now starting to pick up traces of a scent

The grey wolf

Gin rests down onto his haunches pressing his back against Amira's as he grooms his pelt


Amira sits down and watches the other wolves interact with one another



Machu breaks away to turn his attention to the newly rejoined group. His satisfaction is displayed, however, he glances off towards the thick forestry, hoping the others who are still lost would come towards them all. Logan doesn't move an inch as Alex stands above him. He can hear his whimpers, but Logan can no longer do anything but breath his last breaths. Cruise still maneuvers towards the nearest howls, her paws making light imprints in the snow as she travels southward through the dense landscape.


Foa lan

Ella stops and howls again, and waits as it echoes around the snowy landscape



Rajan stretches out upon the snow, rolling around a bit before sitting back up. His gaze settles upon the trees, and his ears perk with interest as the howl reaches him.


The grey wolf

Gin perks his ears and raises his head as he hears a distant howl



Baddiel rests back on her haunches, allowing her vision to fall on the others in their new party.



Amira's ears swivel around and she stands up walking forward a few paces



Alex nuzzles Logan, he flattens his ears and whimpers noticing he wont stand up.



Cruise busts through the foliage, her barks happily ringing in the air as she spots Ella in the near distance.


The grey wolf

Gin follows Amira curiously waiting for the others



Rajan glances toward Amira as she moves, standing as well and padding over to her.


Foa lan

Ella sees Cruise and barks back as she lopes towards him



Amira glances at Rajan before letting out a low short howl. and listens carefully for any sign of a responce



Raigho spots another wolf, he follows behind Ella.



Logan eyes remain open, but his chest sinks in for one final time and his heart cedes to beat. Death now claims Logan in the newly fallen snow.

Foa lan

Ella approaches Cruise wagging her tail vigorously. She turns and wags her tail reassuringly at Raigho



Alex whimpers and nudges Logan, he lets out a long howl of sadness as the snow falls. He lays down next to Logan placing his head and paw on his back.



Cruise wags her tail anxiously to each of her flanks as she glances only at Ella, but her friendliness halts as her vision falls on Raigho.


Rajan sits at Amira's side, tilting his head to listen for any more signs of Ella.


Foa lan

Ella sniffs Cruise still wagging her tail


The grey wolf

Gin rotates his cranium back to where he heard a long and mornful howl towards the opposite side of the treeline. Gin's ears flickered back before turning his attention foreward again



Cruise walks past Ella intimidatingly glaring at Rhaigo. The presence of him disturbs Cruise to the point that her ivories pierced through her labia, which were now curled up on her maw. A slight growl escaped from her muzzle as she approached the unwelcomed male.



Raigho stares at Ella and takes a step forward now curious, he wags his tail greeting the female.


Foa lan

Ella growls at Cruise and raises her tail, seeing the wolf forgot her place



Raigho flattens his ears and takes a step back as the female shows a hostile display.



Cruise turns her attention to Ella, with her audits back along her crown. Her guard lowers as a chuff escapes from her mouth, before turning away from her to look at the male once more. Machu howls loudly hoping to hear from the other wanderers still within the forest.

Foa lan

Ella pads over to Raigho and nuzzles him



Rajan's ears twitch slightly as Machu's howl, and he joins in as well.


The grey wolf

Gin whines along with the howl but finds intrest in an intresting scent of to the side and ventures out


Muzzlelad Alex perks his ears hearing the howls from his pack members, but he doesnt reply and stays laying there not caring about the snow falling on him. Raigho stares at the female and takes a few steps closer, he sniffs her curiously.


Foa lan

Ella stays standing close to Raigho


Rajan lets out a huff before standing, wandering over to the treeline and sniffing along it.


Cruise sniffs his coat curiously, her guard still up around the wandering rogue.



With a quick glance toward the group, Rajan pads further off, nose still bowed closely to the snow. A familiar scent catches his attention, and he alters his direction to move that way instead.


Foa lan

Ella yawns and licks up some snow



Raigho sniffs Cruise's coat and wags his tail playfully



Cruise steps forward and bends down playfully, her tail swaying a tad behind her as her trust grows of the new unfamiliar wolf.


Foa lan

Ella growls slightly in warning


Raigho perks his ears hearing a growl and stares at Ella, he sits down and lets out a yawn.


Rajan moves out of the thicker trees into a more open area, still following the scent. He glances up as it grows stronger, spotting Alex. Barking in greeting, he pads quickly over. He slows significantly as he spots Logan's still form.

Foa lan

Ella huffs and sits down too


Cruise rises up from her position and glances at the angered Ella. She quickly loses interest, seeing her opportunity fading. Cruise trots off a little from them, but still within viewing distance.


Foa lan

Ella sits with Raigho, but keeps Cruise in sight so she's not left alone again


The grey wolf

Gin wanders into the trees hunger gnawing at his stomach for not eating after a long while



Rajan reaches Alex's side after a moment, lightly licking his ear and clearing some of the snow away. He whines softly, nudging him.



Alex opens his eyes and looks up at Rajan, he whimpers not wanting to leave Logan.

Foa lan

Ella grooms the fur on Raigho's neck a bit


The grey wolf

Gin lets out a long sigh and sits down after trailing after a dead scent


Rajan nips at his sides lightly, trying to urge him to stand. He bumps his muzzle upon Alex's shoulder, whining again in request.



Raigho licks Ella's ear and wags his tail, he looks up at the falling snow.


Foa lan

Ella shakes the light dusting of snow off her fur and scratches her ear



Alex whimpers and slowly stands up, the snow falling off his coat as he does so.


Rajan wags his tail in earnest, displaying his approval and relief that Alex has finally risen. He presses his side against Alex's side, attempting to comfort as he gently nudges him in the direction of the group.



Alex walks next to Rajan, his head lowered as he makes his way to the rest of the group.


Rajan does his best to guide Alex through the trees, sensing that he likely isn't paying very close attention to his surroundings at the moment. Soon enough, Rajan spots the group through the trees ahead of them.



Alex looks back at Logan one last time before entering the forest and following Rajan.

Foa lan

Ella rolls around in the snow near Rai



Raigho sits down still looking up at the falling snow, he sneezes as a snowflake lands on his nose.

Foa lan

Ella sits up and looks at Raigho, then shakes the snow off her fur


Raigho stares at Ella and licks her ear affectionately, his tail wagging.


Foa lan

Ella wags her tail back and sniffs Raigho's face


Raigho nuzzles into Ella's coat, his ears flatten.


Foa lan

Ella sits there contently


Raigho stands up and sniffs Ella, he puts a paw on her back


Foa lan

Ella shakes him off irritably



Raigho whines and takes a step back


Foa lan

Ella growls and lays down


Raigho shakes his pelt and walks towards Ella


Foa lan

Ella looks towards him



He rubs his neck against hers, his tail swaying from side to side

Foa lan

Ella huffs loudly


Raigho growls and sits down near Ella


Foa lan

Ella lays her head down watching him from the side



Raigho lays down facing Ella, then he gets closer and nudges her


Foa lan

Ella turns to look



A low growl escapes his throat, he stands up staring at Ella


Foa lan

Ella snorts and him and sits up to scratch her radio collar


Raigho nips at Ella's coat


Foa lan

Ella walks away a few feet



Raigho watches Ella and tilts his head


Foa lan

Ella sits down again



Foa lan

Ella snorts



Raigho sniffs her before attempting to mount her


Foa lan

Ella growls for a second but stays still



He climbs on top of her, laying his belly on her back. He licks her ears


Foa lan

Ella takes a small unsteady step forward


Raigho tries to keep his balance as Ella moves

Foa lan

Ella stops then starts panting



Eventually Raigho steps off her and turns around

Foa lan

Ella tugs against him


Raigho turns and looks at Ella

Foa lan

Ella sits down


Cruise looks towards the mating wolves. She growls softly annoyed and pads off a little ways sniffing the ground for any small prey.

Foa lan

Ella growls at Rai



Cruise lifts her muzzle up from the ground not catching any scent. She turns back towards the tied pair and cautiously makes her way towards them.


Foa lan

Ella gives Cruise an irritated look



Cruise sniffs Rai's fur.



Raigho sits down and watches Cruise, he moves a bit back as she gets closer to him



Cruise makes her way towards the rears of the tied pair. She continues to sniff but then the sniffing turns into nips. She nips at the rear ends of the wolves.


Foa lan

Ella growls and turns to bare her teeth at Cruise



Raigho also growls at Cruise annoyed



Knowing the alpha wolf is currently tied and unable to seriously hurt her Cruise makes the most of every moment continuing to nip at the rear ends.


Foa lan

Ella snarls and snaps at Cruise angrily



Cruise skids just out of reaching point of the alpha's sharp canines. She begins to prance around them. She then stops a little ways in front of Ella and barks before darting around to the front of Raigho.


Foa lan

Ella twists around snarling loudly



Cruise looks again at the pair. She eyes the furious Ella and instead of irritating them some more she walks away from the two wolves.


Foa lan

Ella growls for a few minutes then huffs



Cruise heads towards the bushes, the faint scent of a rabbit catching her attention.



Raigho watches Cruise go away and huffs, then he lowers his head and laps up some snow


Cruise approaches the bush. She carefully sniffs around it hoping to scare the rabbit into darting out.


Foa lan

Ella sits down



Cruise circles the bush before she finally finds a spot. She sits down watching the bush. She waits for the rabbit to move around so she can catch it.

Foa lan

Ella nips at Raigho

February 7[]

(January 4, 2015)


Baddiel tentatively sniffed around her pack members. Her amber gaze intent upon the juveniles of the pack as she checked if the members were fine.



Cruise was searching around the outskirts of the location of her fellow pack member, her long appendages stepping lightly on the pearl covered landscape so as to not leave behind but a small print. The freezing arctic air filled her nostrils with each inhalation of her lungs, making Cruise fully aware of her surroundings. After a short while, Cruise would finally rejoin some of her lost group that had been separated by the avalanche.


Baddiel surveyed the juveniles briskly before she curled up, begginning to groom herself.



Rajan calmly guides the numb Alex into the newly reformed group, nudging his muzzle gently against his side.



Alex walks next to Rajan, his head and tail lowered, he remains with Rajan seeking comfort after Logan's death.


Cruise halted her advance behind a nearby bush after catching a glimpse of Ella's torso and another wolf, whose scent she did recognize. Immediately, Cruise's audits perked into the air and her labia cringed upwards. She didn't trust the new wolf, nor was she going to give him a chance to gain her trust.


Rajan moves a bit further into the group before dropping down into the snow. Once settled, he peers up at Alex, swishing his tail through the loose snow, inviting him to lay at his side.



Dimitri laid on the outskirts of the pack, his thick winter coat keeping him safe from the worst of the cold.


Cruise shifted her frame to enter the sight of Ella and Raigho, the hackles along her back raising with each new stride towards them. She was tense for a reason, after all she wasn't sure of this new wolf near her leader. Growing curious, as she always was, Cruise approaches Raigho apprehensively and sniffs him to see what his reaction would be.



Dimitri got up, his strong legs squishing down the loosely packed snow.


Foa lan

Ella shifts uncomfortably from still being tied to Raigho, but allows Cruise to approach



Raigho gazes at Cruise curiously, he allows her to sniff him and then steps forward to do the same. Alex shakes the snow off his pelt and pads next to Rajan's side, he flops down besides him.


Foa lan

Ella steps forward unsteadily as she's pulled with him



Cruise sits on the outskirts, still within distance of the two wolves Ella and Raigho. She snorted happily, before tending to her pelt that was semi-damp from the fallen snow.


Dimitri pulled his paws out of the small hole he'd made, grabbing a small stick and started chewing on it


Rajan's tail thumped harder across the snow for a moment, before falling still. He soothingly groomed Alex's ears, hoping to ease the older wolf's distress.

Foa lan

Ella gives a grumble before licking Raigho's ear.


Alex licks Rajan's ear and rests his head on his paws, slowly drifting to sleep.



Rajan whines briefly, shifting a bit so his fur presses against Alex's side. He then offers a yawn, before peering around at the rest of the pack.



Raigho sits down eyeing Cruise, he then turns his attention back to Ella and licks her muzzle.

-(January 6, 2015)-


Rita sits her ears perked as she watches her fellow pack members. Her breath can be seen due to the cold winters chill.



Rajan calmly watches the rest of the group, his side warm from Alex's presence beside him. His ears waver toward the wind, seeking the howls of those still separated. Foa lan has left the pack.



Nagga bounds through the snow ahead of Thaddeus and her sister, stopping only to turn back and face the two, chuffing playfully. The serious of the situation is mostly lost on her.



Larentia trots in the snow following behinf Naggapatzi and Thaddeus. Her tail wags even though the trio are in a dangerous situation with being separated from the pack. Rita suddenly has a strange feeling. She whines and rises to her paws as she heads off away from the main group. Before leaving into the bushes she pauses turning towards Rajan who also seems to be on the alert.



Thaddeus bounces forward through the snow, his paws leaving soft indentations within the powdery substance. His tail wags behind him as he trailed after Naggapatzi, his ears flicking back to listen to Larentia's footsteps behind them.



Rita's gaze turns to several other pack members before she begins to walk away. Head to the ground she begins sniffing following whatever is drawing her attention.



Rajan, whose eyes had been sweeping over the pack, is quickly alerted to Rita's movement, and wavers his ears toward her. He growls briefly as he watches her leave the area, shifting in uncertainty.



Larentia watches her families movements she begins to pick up her paws more creating a small bounce in her movements.



Thaddeus's nostrils twitch to inhale the chilly air and the two fragrances of the wolves accompanying him. His eyes watch Larentia's increase in her step as he copies her movements, kicking up soft flurries of snow in his wake.



Nagga pounces back toward her sister, spraying snow across her already coated pelt as she draws to a halt. She turns to walk alongside her, breath puffing out quick bursts of mist.



Larentia yips happily and darts off a few yards ahead. She then circles back around tackling her sister.



Chuffing in surprise, Nagga snaps playfully at her sister, keeping to her paws and shaking the snow from her pelt.



At the sudden shift in the trio's positions, Thaddeus's step falters slightly. His ears remain flicked back, listening to the sounds roused by the siblings' frolicking. The wolf continues trotting in a straight line, repeatedly sniffing the air after certain intervals of time.



Machu Pichu coolly observes the group, resting upon his hauches. His tail flickers in irritation at Rita's disappearance, but he allows her leave, deciding to concentrate more on returning the rest of the pack to safety. Tossing back his head, he lets out a long, low howl, seeking a reply from those still absent from the group.



Larentia calms down and falls into pace next to Thaddeus. Her fur lightly brushes against his as she begins sniffing the air. Rita full on running towards this unfamiliar scent ignores the howls. Her fur begins to bristle as she gets the whiff of whatever the thing is she's tracking is not good.



Ears twitching at Machu's howl, Rajan joins in with one of his own before, quickly nuzzling Alex's muzzle, he rises to his paws. Fur ruffled anxiously, he trots across the snow and dissolves out of sight, following after Rita.


Thaddeus starts at the sudden appearance of Larentia, though quickly relaxes as a soft yip emanates from his throat. As the pair of distant howls infiltrate his ears, the male pauses in his procedure, reclining his head as he releases a howl in response.


The mountain lion also seems to hear the howls between the wolves and lifts its head only to spot the she wolf. Rita seeing she has been spotted growls louder than before. However, never coming across a mountain lion before she attempts to try to figure out how big of a threat this new creature is. She does know that whatever this large cat is doing in her packs territory it is a threat which makes her growl turn into a snarl.


Rajan stiffens, fur rising at the sound of Rita's expressions of hostility. He bounds forward, bursting out behind her only to see her confronting a strange creature. He draws to a quick halt, uncertain.


Rajan stiffens, fur rising at the sound of Rita's expressions of hostility. He bounds forward, bursting out behind her only to see her confronting a strange creature. He draws to a quick halt, uncertain.



The large cat begins to slowly make its way down from the rocks eyeing the two wolves. Rita senses Rajan's approach but does not dare break eye contact with mountain lion. Her fur stands straight up as her snarling continues.


Larentia's trots quicken but as the small group make their way towards the howls she stops every so often for her sister to catch up.



Thaddeus increases his pace accordingly with Larentia's, sometimes bounding ahead of the pair but always circling back to stay between the two sisters. He releases a contented exhale through his nares as he advances forward.



Rajan remains uncertainly behind Rita, having never encountered such a creature before. He curls his lip in hostility, however, drawing upon Rita's reaction.



Alex remains asleep in his spot still not in the mood to go with the others. Machu Pichu, sensing they must be in trouble, decides to go after Rajan and Rita, he follows their scent and once he approaches he spots the large cougar descending from the rocks.



Nagga bounds after the two, falling to pace with his sister. Her ears waver carefully for more howls, though the general direction is reassuringly set.


The large creature continues to make its way towards them until it is merly a few yards away from the pair. Rita still never actually encountering a cougar before still is clueless to what it actually is, but at the same time every nerve in her body is sending off alerts about this deadly creature. Rita shows no intentions of backing away.



Thaddeus's ears flick back towards Naggapatzi who always seemed to be unable in keeping pace with her sister. He turns and trots in a wide arc, circling behind the female and then bounding forth as if to hustle Nagga along the way.


Nagga seems a bit affronted at Thaddeus's actions, releasing a displeased chuff at the older wolf. She quickens her pace nonetheless, ears tilted back in annoyance. Rajan, reassured by the beta's appearance, steps forward a bit, bowing his head between his shoulders. He releases a low growl, though he doesn't not express the level of hostility Rita is displaying.


Thaddeus's tail flicks in a sense of achievement, disregarding Naggapatzi's nettled gesture completely. He bounds forth, keeping pace behind his two female companions.


The cougar eyes the three wolves however it still is growling and hissing at them. Rita takes a few steps forward testing the cougar. Her whole body is alert ready to move out of the way if the mountain lion was to charge.



Machu Pichu releases a loud snarl and without hesitation charges towards the cougar, with his hackles raised to appear larger and more threatening, he expects the other two wolves to charge after him.



Rita wasting no time and darts quickly towards the cougar hearing Machu Pichu charge as well. She snarls loudly snapping her jaws.


Rajan lunges after the two, growling and snapping toward the animal. Reassured by the older wolves' reactions, he curls his lip dangerously, ears pressed flat.


The cougar seeing the three wolves advance, knows that it is outnumbered it quickly begins climbing the rocks heading and then down other side heading for the valley.

Rita quickly follows it making her way up the steep slope she pauses at the top making sure her pack members are following before she takes off to chase it a reasonable ways away from the pack.


Machu Pichu bares his teeth and continues chasing up the cougar, along with Rita he keeps chasing it far enough from the pack.



Nagga struggles a bit to keep pace with the other two, but manages to keep to their sides. She releases another short howl toward the pack, tail thrashing behind her. Rajan tags along, bounding after the two, observing if nothing else.


Larentia licks her sister encouraging her to keep up. She then slows her pace making it easier for Nagga walk with her. Rita seeing the animal continue to run slows down and circles towards Machu Pichu and Rajan. She wags her tail happily greeting them since before she was distracted.


Rajan slows as well, greeting Rita with a pleased chuff. His tail swishes happily behind him.



Thaddeus bounds alongside the two wolves, sharing a companionable air between them. As Larentia slows, the male follows suit. He snorts in soft displeasure as he shifts his weight several times while treading upon the snow.



Once they have chased it far enough Machu Pichu halts and quickly starts scent marking the border making sure no other predators or rival packs trespass.


Nagga chuffs, gaze flickering between her sister and older cousin. She speeds up a bit, not about to be outdone, nor be a disadvantage to the two.


Rita begins sniffing the area until she is reassure the threat is actually gone. She then looks up turning her attention towards Machu Pichu and Rajan.



Thaddeus's head shakes as Nagga increases her pace slightly. His nose twitches once, hoping to gain familiar scents through his nasal passages. Thaddeus's exhale came as a misty puff of air, his paws dragging in the softly crunching snow.



Rita gives each of her packmates a playful nip before beginning to walk back towards where the rest of the pack is located.


Rita gives each of her brothers a playful nip before beginning to walk back towards where the rest of the pack is located.



Rajan's ears twitch briefly, eyes peering into the dark where the animal had finally run off. He drops his head, sniffing about the area as well, though the attempt leans more toward trying to memorize the scent more than anything else. He chuffs at Rita's nip, snorting briefly into the snow before turning to head back as well.


Rita stops and begins sniffing again. She wanders a little ways away from the two males before stopping and relieving herself.


Rajan trots quickly back toward the pack's gathering, eager to get back to the group.


Larentia smells the packs scent is much stronger. Knowing it is only a matter of time she continues on.


Larentia smells the packs scent is much stronger. Knowing it is only a matter of time she continues on.


Thaddeus's head inclines at the intensified source of the pack. He whines softly in excitement, his tail wagging at a rapid pace as he picks his paws from the compacted snow.


Nagga, sensing the excitement within the group, bursts out into a lope, moving ahead of the two in her excitement. Her tongue lolls happily, the scent of the pack reaching her nostrils, as well.



Larentia also goes into a lope. She catches up with her sister running beside her.



Thaddeus's ears flick as both Nagga and Larentia break into a steady lope, his own pace increasing. His pace is considerably slower than theirs, though their two figures remained in his sight as he trailed behind the two sisters.



Larentia comes to a halt seeing the small figures of the members below. She lets out a loud yip in greeting. Her tail wagging furiously.



Nagga slows to stop next to her sister, releasing a loud yap of her own before charging toward the group.



Machu Pichu lifts up his hind leg, scent marking one of the bushes before trotting after Rajan and Rita while brushing against some trees.



Rita then begins walking. She takes her time sniffing at a certain spot every so often. As she is walking she finds a certain place in the snow that looks appealing and flops down rolling and cooling off.



At both Nagga's and Larentia's yips, Thaddeus raises his head, lengthening his strides as he dashed after the two female wolves, his own bark erupting from his throat as he followed his companions.


Rajan merges back into the group, moving back toward Alex. His ears twitch suddenly at the barks and, spotting the group of newly arrived wolves, he charges forward, releasing a boisterous bark. He narrows his path straight toward his brother, as though planning to bowl right into him.



Rita's ears perk at the nearby bark but she doesn't head back to the pack yet. Instead she continues to lay in the snow. Her tail wags happily as she rolls onto her side.


Thaddeus released a soft series of yips and barks, his tail wagging back and forth ecstatically as his eyes catch sight of the obsidian pelt belonging to his brother. As the male wolf continues to charge at him, Thaddeus increases his own pace towards his brother, his labrums pulled back in an expression of happiness.


Rajan whines sharply at his brother's approach, overjoyed. Reaching him a moment later, he circles about Thaddeus in rapid motion, sniffing carefully at his pelt for any signs of injury.


Finally after relaxing for a few minutes Rita stands up and arrives to the pack. She wags her tail greeting Larentia, Nagga, Thaddeus but does not approach them instead she sits down and begins grooming her fur.


Thaddeus yips as he brushes his muzzle against Rajan's shoulder. At his brother's obvious intentions of inspection, the male jumped and bounced upon the ground several times and flicked his tail to demonstrate his well-being. His gaze slides to Rita as he wags his tail again, returning the gesture, before his attention is returned to Rajan.



Machu Pichu approaches the rest of the pack, he sits down and spots the three missing teens and Rajan. He decides to wait until they approach, tired after chasing the cougar.


Finding his brother healthy and well, Rajan joyously bowls into him, bumping their heads together and giving his ears a few playful nips. Dimitri bounds toward his brothers, tail wagging gleefully, though he is blatantly calmer than Rajan.


Rita spotting Machu Pichu emerge walks over to her brother. She begins licking his ear thanking him for his help earlier. She then sits down and begins to groom a few tangled spots for him in his fur.


Thaddeus flicks his ears under Rajan's playful assail as he in turn extends his neck, nipping and nibbling at the male's shoulders. His actions cease as Dimitri approaches them, though with a significantly less amount of excitement. Thaddeus turns towards Dimitri, rising momentarily upon his hinds as he bats playfully at the wolf's ears.



Machu watches as they welcome the three teens, he lets his sister groom his fur, appreciating some attention from time to time.


After the greeting Larentia nuzzles her sister before padding a short distance and flopping down onto the snow tired.


Dimitri growls playfully, tail wagging forcefully behind him. He lets out a soft whine, bumping his muzzle happily into Thaddeus's. Rajan pads himself over and collapses into both of them, pleased to have his litter-mates all together again. Nagga pads forward, greeting the pack with her tail thrashing behind her. With a quick glance to Thaddeus and the others, she moves to join her sister.


Amira sees Rita and bounds towards her. She then lays down beside her sister resting her head on her paws.


Alex stands up sleepily and shakes his coat, he spots his three pack mates who had been missing and trots down towards them.



Thaddeus yips playfully as he is pushed off balance. His anatomy hits the ground with a soft thud as he shifts his position, draping his fores of Rajan's back, barking softly to Dimitri. Thaddeus straightens from his position as another wolf approaches, his head tilting to gaze up at the male as he greeted the wolf with a similar playful bark.



After tending to her brother a yawn escapes Rita. Tired from the previous events. She looks at her sister laying next to her and licks her on the head, being in a good mood today.



Rajan's ears perk at Alex's approach, a soft whine escaping his throat. He takes a couple of paces toward him, calmly wagging his tail at the approach.


Alex approaches the group, keeping his ears flattened against his skull, he wags his tail at Rajan and then lets out a soft bark seeing Thaddeus, happy to see him.


Thaddeus yips happily in response to Alex's mood, his ears flicking forward to intercept the male's vocal projection. His tail thumps contentedly upon the ground as his tongue lolled from his maw in a blissful manner.



Rita dosing of while still sitting jerks awake. She looks around eyeing the playing males before relaxing again.

-(January 7, 2016)-


Rajan releases a gentle chuff of pleasure as Alex and Thaddeus exchange greetings, seemingly glad that the former was cheered by the arrival of their pack members. Tail waving behind him, he bumped his head affectionately into the darker wolf's side, a playful growl rising in his throat.


Falling Nebula

Alex gave a gentle huff of breath his tail starting to wag a little at Rajan's antics. Slowly the wolf lowered his front paws moving into a playful position.


Foa lan

Ella does a light tug against Raigho, before giving up and sitting, simultaneously giving an irritated huff



Amira watched as Rita greeted the youths and stood to greet the 3 . With her tail swaying side to side, she pressed up against the younger wolf and exchanged a few nuzzles and licks



Raigho remains standing still, he looks back momentarily shooting Ella a glare before turning back and curiously watching Cruise from afar.


Falling Nebula

Giving a playful whine Alex hops towards Rajan gently batting the younger wolves side before hopping back his tail starting to gain speed and excitement as he messed around.

Foa lan

Ella gives an experimental pull every few minutes, and at one point is able to pull away from Raigho. She stands up straight, shaking her fur thoroughly



Encouraged by his reaction, the younger male skipped back, bouncing lightly through the snow on his toes. Dropping into a play bow, his tail flailed above him as he cocked his head, eyes focused closely on Alex. Uttering an abrupt yip, Rajan broke his stance and darted around to circle the dark wolf, tripping over the relaxed Thaddeus in the process. Scrabbling in the snow, he recovered, completely undeterred.


Falling Nebula

Interested in playing for the first time since Logan's death Alex jumped toward Rajan, bowling into the male's side and taking them both to the ground.



Raigho is startled by the sudden pull, he quickly glances at Ella before shaking the snow off his coat. He moves closer to Ella and licks her muzzle, then starts grooming himself.



amira huffed and backed off , the smaller female going off to Rita once again. She turned back and began to walk back to the group . The white she wolf watched as Alex and Rajan played around like small pups and allowed her body to slip back onto the ground and lay elegantly over a snowy rock

Foa lan

Ella wags her tail slightly, then commences to groom like Raigho. Once finished, she dies a deep stretch and looks at Cruise



Yelping as he was knocked from his paws, he wrangled his form awkwardly beneath Alex, managing to reach up and nom onto a nearby ear. He offered a gentle tug, but quickly let go in favour of flailing around in the snow, kicking it everywhere.

Falling Nebula

Alex yipped as Rajan tugged his ear. The dark brown wolf rolled to his feet shaking the snow from his fur sending a good bit flying at the wolves around him before giving a playful growl.


Distracted from rolling around as Alex returned to his paws, Rajan gave a few more kicks before rolling upright. Bouncing closer to the older wolf, he lunged up, hooking his forelegs across his back and going for the ear again.



Machu Pichu shakes his head as a bit of snow landed on him, he distances himself from the two and sits next to Amira as he watches them play now from a safe distance. Raigho gently licks Ella's maw as his tail sways from side to side.



Cruise, noticing the two are no longer busy, crosses the distance between them, ears every so slightly bowed in deference to Ella. Even so, her eyes soon turn to the new male, perhaps a bit too quickly dismissing the other female.


Foa lan

Ella quickly nuzzles Raigho's neck, appreciating the lick, then turns her head to Cruise and wags her tail happily


Falling Nebula

Alex gave a soft bark-like howl as the young wolf balanced on him trying to grab his ear. The male let his legs collapse suddenly before heaving up with all his might.


Left unsteady by the older wolf's movements, Rajan staggered before falling off, not wanting to lose his footing entirely. Tongue lolling from his paw, he sat, taking a brief break from all the exercise.



Raigho nuzzles Ella back and seeing Cruise approach them and wags his tail at her, he takes a step close to sniff the female once again.

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Ella gives a soft growl, and raises her tail slightly, indicating that Cruise shouldn't get too comfortable with her mate



Encouraged by Ella's friendly greeting, the beta wandered closer, though she comes to an abrupt stop as the male stepped closer to her. Returning the gesture with a wary sway of her tail, she took the opportunity to sniff him again, as well. At the growl, Cruise beats a swift retreat, ducking her head slightly as she stops a few paw steps away.

Falling Nebula

Not about to let his 'advantage' go so easily, Alex moved toward Rajan taking hold of his ear and giving a sharp tug before backing up a few steps out of reach.

Foa lan

Ella relaxes and clears her nose with a snort, then sitting down


Rajan's jaws part in a yawning growl as his ear is yanked upon, roused to his paws once more. Following him for every step, the younger wolf ducks his muzzle beneath Alex's own, bumping it upward as he pushes his snout on it. Slipping to the side, he nipped at the outer layer of fur.



amira sighed , her tongue flicking in and out rapidly to taste the air. She turned and looked at Machu pichu for a moment before allowing her tongue to lol out her mouth and pant steamy clouds or hot air The she wolf remained in place , she wasn't interested in interaction


Falling Nebula

Alex batted at Rajan with a large paw before backing away. Leaping forward the male bumps his shoulder into the younger wolf's dark coat.



Returning to a natural stance as the alpha female doesn't pursue her, Cruise turns her attention to the horizon, uttering a low howl. Batted away from his nipping, he slumped his weight into Alex as his should met his, trying to imbalance the older male.


Foa lan

Perking her ears as Cruise starts a howl, Ella joins in, hers being slightly higher pitched



Raigho backs away from Cruise as he hears Ella's growl. He lowers his chest to the ground in a playful bow. His ears flicker at Cruise's howl.

Falling Nebula

The male held under the younger wolfs pressure returning a nip to the black male's side. Stepping back to get a better angle the male's back paw hits a rather slippery patch of snow giving out beneth him.


The wolf stood and stretched her slim , yet robust body. Her jaws spread apart in a yawn before she regained her regular posture and began to walk away again . She had her eyes set for a spot beneath a spruce tree


Turning to confront Alex, he released a startled whine as the older wolf's paws slipped from beneath him. Padding immediately to his side, he bowed his muzzle to sniff warily along his lower back.



Seeing Ella join in, he decides to howl along as well, though unaware of who they are howling to. Machu Pichu lays down, resting his head on his paws.


Falling Nebula

Alex lands on his rump with a thud and his ears flatten at the initial pain. Recovering quickly the male stands a sudden burst of depression hitting him he gave a soft growl of warning to Rajan.


First assuring that the older male isn't hurt, Rajan backed off a few paces, flopping onto his belly in the snow.


Falling Nebula

Suddenly moody the male walks a short distance away giving out a huff of breath before he curled up in the snow. He watched the other wolves through half mast eyes.



Cutting off her own howl, Cruise glanced back to the pair, offering a brief wag of her tail before walking a few wolf-lengths away. There, she comes to a halt, gaze turning to them once again.



Machu Pichu hears some familiar howls in the distance, knowing there are still some members missing he quickly lets out a reply, still llaying down. Raigho glances at Ella and then quickly trots after Cruise wondering where she's going.



Snorting into his paws, the male glanced about for something interesting -- catching Amira in his line of sight. Perking up, he stood, padding after her.



Amira narrows her eyes and lays off in the distance . she emitted a low howl in return for the ones she just heard. She caught movement in the corner of her eye , but refused to turn and face whomever was nearing her


Foa lan

Ella hears the familiar of Pichu, and instantly perks up, following Cruise


Falling Nebula

As the other wolves drifted away Alex's eyes started to close completely as he started to doze off ears twitching once in a while in response to a howl.


Seeing that Raigho and Ella are following, Cruise turns away again, padding even further off. This time, she doesn't stop to look back, but instead listens to the sound of paw steps behind her. Having wandered off from Machu's splinter group earlier, before Rajan and the others had arrived, she heads toward the rough location in which she left them.



Raigho bounds through the snow after Cruise, he yips in excitement and speeds up after playfully nipping at Ella.


Rajan isn't particularly deterred, approaching Amira until he's only a paw step or two away before laying down beside her. Satisfied by his play with Alex, the male simply remains in his pack mate's presence, seemingly no more interested in interacting with her than she is with him, though he would certainly be open to it.



Amira lowered her head to rest on her paws


Yawning quietly, the young male's gaze perused the pack in a methodical manner.

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Ella speeds up and nips Raigho's scruff, but then looks straight ahead again, excited about being reunited with her pack


The she wolf felt a gust of wind hit her back and lifted her head . She wagged her tail slightly , whacking rajans bottom accidentally and shifting to lay on her side


Falling Nebula

Raising his head and letting out a loud yawn Alex slowly gets to his feet a small growl of hunger coming from his stomach.



Riled by the enthusiasm of the other two, Cruise increases her pace, fur bristling slightly in anticipation.


Foa lan

Ella makes sure she's slightly ahead of Cruise



Suddenly , Amira moved her head across the snow and turned below Rajan playfully . With her paws hitting the air , she licked his chin and rolled over again after her small spurt of playfulness towards the male

Falling Nebula

Encouraged by the hunger, Alex trots through the forest passing Amira and Rajan twisting his way through the forest before slowing to a stop ears pricked and nose sampling the air.



Raigho quickens his pace so he doesn't fall behind, he keeps wagging his tail, excited about meeting more wolves.


Rajan glances over as Amira hip checks him, but leaves her be until she abruptly flailed about, swiping her tongue across his chin. Releasing an amused chuff as she rolled away, the male stretched his forelegs forward and extended his back legs behind him, instead of having them pressed to his sides. Fully layed out on his belly, his tail curled upward for a moment before flopping back down. Similarly, his head drops upon his stretched forelegs. As Alex passes, his tail wags briefly, gaze trailing his form. Cruise huffs quietly at Ella, but maintains her gait just behind her shoulder, still managing to lead the two in the right direction.

Foa lan

Ella keeps a steady pace, sometimes dipping her head to sniff the ground



Amira watched Alex pass by and let out a shallow bark before wagging her tail behind her. She pawed the air before her and rolled around in the snow , bit of the cold substance falling down onto Rajan



Pelt flinching slightly at the snow, Rajan lunged about, using his forepaws to support him as he licked it off.

Falling Nebula

Alex stood still for several minutes, but heard nothing except the occasional soft sound of snow falling from branches. Giving up on catching anything until his hunger became more acute the dark brown wolf went to a nearby tree, licking a low hanging icicle.
